I have a nice healthy batch here for you @Robert-Alexander:
– de vraagstuk → het …
– reinigen → audio sounds off to me
– de vetzak → extra “[not” in the translation
– manuscript (the script) → (the manuscript)? (maybe @duaal can comment on this)
– opjagen (to shoo, chase, drive (out)) → maybe add to the translation to rush (someone)?
– godvergeten (ungodly, godless, worldly) → maybe drop worldly (and add god-forgotten. more blasphemy is always appreciated! )?
– het universum and het heelal → add [not … ]
– de goochelaar (the magician) → maybe translate as the stage magician (maybe @duaal can comment on this)
– onbeleefd (rude, impolite) → add [not …] because there is another word with a very similar translation
– het vakblad (a publication…) → … (the publication…),
– de been (the leg) → het …,
– het wandel (the behavior, behaviour, conduct) → de …,
– de jeuk / de kriebel (the itch, itching) → add [not …]
– de rabbi / de rabbijn (rabbi) → add [not …]
– de raadslid (the councillor, council member) → het …
– de barkeeper / de barman → add [not …] to the second
– de vervanging (the replacement, substitution) → add [not …] since there is a word with the translation the replacement, substitute;
– achterkomen (to find out) → the audio sounds like achtergekomen
– de pi (the pi (number, =3.1459…)) → … 3.14[1]59… (missing a 1 )
– de eenhoorn (the unicorn) → maybe add [not de NEEhoorn]
… as far as I know, we do not have kwark/quark. This is fancy thing The has it but it is different from the version. I could believe that the frequency in usage between DS9 + BBT + variants of kwark just make a slightly more frequent word in subtitles.
Yes, manuscript.
“Een goochelaar” you’ll find on a stage, “een tovenaar” or " een magiër" in a fairy tale.
I only know this noun in the phrase “(iemands) handel en wandel” (their way of behaving).
pi doens’t usually have an article.
Now: yeah for sure! yes, indeed!
- het vraagstuk: can’t find this entry
- reinigen: fixed this by adding two other audio files (The original one isn’t off though. That girl is from Belgium And her mic isn’t good.)
- vetzak: fixed der Fettsack
- manuscript the manuscript
- opjagen: added to rush someone . Could be anything: tu pursue, hunt, chase, shoo, impel … you get the idea
- godvergeten: added this
- universum / heelal
- goochelaar Added [not de tovenaar] @duaal: thx for the comment. Never thought about that. But that’s a sound definition. Not even sure there’s the same strict difference in German. Btw: goochelaar and der Gaukler isn’t the same then. But related.
A joke I believe. A book by Marc-Uwe Kling whose most successful book features a speaking and communist kangaroo (don’t ask). There’s even a movie about the said kangaroo. Original title: Das Neinhorn
In het Heerlijke Hartenwoud wordt een kleine poezelige eenhoorn geboren. Hoewel iedereen hem ontzettend li-la-lief vindt en hem gesuikerd geluksgras voert, gedraagt hij zich helemaal niet als een eenhoorn. Hij zegt constant op alles NEE, dus noemt zijn familie hem de NEEhoorn.
Op een dag ontsnapt de NEEhoorn uit het Hartenwoud en ontmoet hij een wasbeer die niet wil luisteren, een hond die echt nergens van houdt en een prinses die het met niks eens is. Samen trekken ze eropuit. Want samen chagrijnig zijn, is veel leuker!
Didn’t know that one. A lot of English dictionaries translate this as juggler, “jongleur” in Dutch.
But Dutch dictionaries translate as “goochelaar, kunstenmaker”.
It did sound like a joke.
- onbeleefd: added [not onbeschoft]
- vakblad: can’t find this entry
- been
- wandel @duaal I guess it’s overrepresented in the database due to "ik wandel". Btw: der Handel und Wandel is also the only instance der Wandel is really used in German. There’s also the word der Lebenswandel.
- jeuk/ kriebel: added [not …] AfaIk, kriebel is more like an inner tickle you feel when you’re excited. Jeuk is more like an external stimulus, most likely linked to mosquitoes or chemical substances.
- rabbi / rabbijn Don’t even know why there’s two words. Same in der Rabbi vs. der Rabbiner. Perhaps one is the Yiddish word. Can’t tell. I don’t speak Yiddish. Since I’m from the North, I don’t really understand Yiddish very well anyway.
- raatslid (neuter in too: das Ratsmitglied)
- barkeeper / barman: was already (Maybe I improved this entry already. Refresh your cache )
- vervanging/ vervanger vervanging is the impersonal version
- achterkomen
- pi Nerd! Nerd! Nerd! Told you: I’m an engineer. 3.14 is good enough. How would I know? (also: got rid of the article )
Yeah sort of, not always. “ik heb ontzettende kriebel/jeuk.”
Anyway kriebel is countable, *jeuk" is not.
right! this is what I thought and suggested stage magician, to make clear that the person is not a real magician. thanks @duaal
@Robert-Alexander, this also matches goochelaar Nederlands woordenboek - Woorden.org
… so [not NEEhoorn] got added, right?
Found it… in the Business Dutch course.
- vraagstuk: dito
Hi @Robert-Alexander, here is another batch:
– de schikking (the settlement agreement) → Add [not…] since there is a word with the translation the agreement, settlement
– het bediening → de …
– safe (safe) → add something to give context (safe as in safety or safe as in lock box?)
– de minnares (the mistress, female lover) → add [not …] since another word also translates as the mistress
– de donatie (the gift) → add [not de gift]
– de zeeman (the sailor) / de matroos (the sailor, seaman) → add [not …]
–de danseres (the female dancer) → add [not …] since something translates as the dancer (female)
– imbeciel (…) → maybe simplify the translation to just imbecile ?
– de schep (the shovel, scoop) / de schop → maybe simplify things to de schep (the scoop) / de schop (the shovel). any thoughts on this @duaal?
– overmorgen (the day after tomorrow, overmorrow) → add de
– het koekje (the cookies) → make both singular / plural
de schep = the shovel, scoop
de schop = the shovel, kick
The sentence “ik geef je een schop” is rather ambiguous.
[not vergelijk, conventie]
Sure. All -ing nouns are de words. Flemish speakers know that they are actually feminine nouns.
Removed this word from the course. That’s clearly an English word that I can’t find as a genuine Dutch word in most dictionaries. Don’t know why that’s in the database. Due to the double use (as an adjective and noun) it’s probably a bit more prevalent than other imported words though. PS. It can be both. The vault is de safe. In this course you’ll find ongevaarlijk and de kluis as alternatives.
→ de meesteres
the gift, donation [not de gift, de gave]
de danser → the dancer (male) [not de danseres, de stripper]
(That’s actually the word for a male dancer. I added the [not] hint anyway.)
Hmm, does everybody know what the adjective imbecile means in English? And isn’t imbecilic also a word some people use instead? I added both variants. If that’s a slightly longer entry I’m okay with that. imbecile, imbecilic, stupid, idiotic [not klote, debiel]
I will answer this in a seperate comment … wait for it
That’s the adverb of time. AfaIk there’s no noun de overmorgen. Perhaps in a very poetic context but even then it’s probably het overmorgen (if that works like in German where it’s virtually always an adverb übermorgen. Only in a very poetic context it might be neuter das Übermorgen although it’s masculine der Morgen just like it’s de morgen in Dutch). Btw: morgen can be both an adverb and a noun de morgen. It’s difficult to come up with a good English translation. Thus, I added the corresponding adverb overmorrow. Of course nobody uses overmorrow anymore. Usually we say the day after tomorrow. And this made you believe it’s a noun. I can see why. I have no idea how to fix this issue though.
made this singular only → the cookie
Hi @Robert-Alexander, sensitive question here! I am wondering, are the words neger and nikker are needed in the course? Both, but particularly the latter, are broadly considered offensive and are not part of everyday speech in the Netherlands (at least for most people). Admittedly, there are a number of incredibly offensive words in this course … , but I am not proposing to remove them all, only these two (at least the second one). Any thoughts?
Oh. I never thought I’d find myself on this side of the fence … Ok. Well, I won’t explain you my opinion on this. Nobody cares what I think. Just a few hints:
This course is entirely based on movie subtitles. The source covers a wide array of material and isn’t limited to most recent works of arts. The rest is pure statistics. And for whatever reason, Dutchmen (and Dutchwomen) like to swear and often use rude words. I don’t know why. But they certainly can say things, that people from the US (or Germany as a matter of fact) would never dare to say on national television. This word list contains an astonishing amount of foul language. However, this is pure statistics. I marked the words appropriately and this course (nor I) doesn’t encourage the use of these words. Nor would I defend someone who uses these words.
It can be helpful to know these words. Obviously they are used quite frequently. Why would you not add them to you passive vocab?
I can’t comment on the level of inappropriateness of specific words. Nor do I want to. I’m not Dutch. I know that’s a hot topic. Same discussion is about zwaart and donker. We discussed these words before. If you have ever watched protests against the traditional Zwarte Piet (google it on YouTube!), you understand, why I won’t get involved in this sort of fight or say anything more general on how I view all these PC/woke debates [I’m not even sure what *woke* means or whether it means the same for all people].
But it’s certainly true that these words are similar enough to both English and German that most educated people would know what they mean if they came across them w/o ever having learned them actively. Thus, removing these words won’t have any negative impact on the size of a learner’s passive vocab.
Thus, I’ll remove these words. If you like that better, I’m happy to follow your suggestion.
Thanks for telling me what you think about these entries. I guess I was occupied with the technicalities of this course and I haven’t thought about this issue before.