[Course Forum] 2500 medium frequent Dutch Words ♫ Audio

hi, Robert, it’s me again

i always get it wrong when “doornemen” appears in reviews… because doornemen is not “to read, to discuss”, but “to go through, go over, run through, browse, peruse”, maybe also “to reiterate”
(https://www.mijnwoordenboek.nl/vertaal/NL/EN/doornemen; https://www.vertalen.nu/vertaal?vertaal=doornemen&van=nl&naar=en)

I am also not sure about “kanjer” - the EN and DE translations do not really fit each other, and also kanjer is colloquial for many things…https://www.mijnwoordenboek.nl/vertaal/NL/EN/kanjer; https://de.pons.com/übersetzung?q=kanjer&l=denl&in=&lf=&qnac=)

many thanks

amended this entry (I guess it’s too colloquial to give a precise one-fits-all translation):

  • de kanjer

  • the star, hero, ace, top player, best; whopper, biggest/best of their kind, stunner, colossus, hunk

  • der Könner, das Ass, der Beste; der Kaventsmann, das Prachtexemplar

Wow, thanks again. Being a German native, this is one of these word I don’t really have to learn since durchnehmen means exactly the same . So I never paid much attention to the English translation. But of course you are right. I added your ideas. It’s now:

  • doornemen
  • to go through, go over, run through, browse, read/discuss (again), peruse; reiterate, repeat [not uitpraten]
  • durchnehmen


uitkijk - lookout, watcher, sentry; Aussichtspunkt,Wachposten


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Edited that:

de uitkijk|the lookout, watcher, sentry, outlook|die Aussicht, der Ausblick; der Aussichtspunkt, der Ausguck, der Wachposten

AFAIU this word has multiple connotations - could be a point from where sth is observed; could be the act of surveilling or watching out; could be the actual person doing the surveillance.

me again
i cannot find “overweg” as “without problems” (maybe overweg kunnen met
or overweg komen met???)

otherwise it means “crossing” or something


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Apart from that, I’d translate this as “to get along”, as in “met iemand overweg kunnen” = “to get along with someone”.

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you mean without conflicts. However I see the problem. I’ll double check this.

Thanx for your input. I guess that’s what my source meant. And that’s what I was trying to convey. Without your input I would never have known that I failed ;-(

I’ve changed the entry. It now reads get on with, get along with, be friendly with (mostly in: " o… kunnen met") [not overeen] (courtesy to https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/overweg)

but overweg is not a verb… how can one should now to translate an adverb through a verb?

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I also thought about getting on with, getting along with, being friendly with. But that’s not an adverb either. I guess that’s just one the words that don’t translate well to English. Since I’m German, I’ve an intuitive understanding of the word in question (we don’t have the same but similar idioms) but I admit that this not a very helpful comment to English speakers. There’s no idiom like “come crossroads with” or “come on the shared path with”. The closest is maybe “to come to terms with” - but that’s of course fundamentally different. However, I think that the (mostly in: " o… kunnen met") part is maybe sufficient in order to make clear what is meant. Any other ideas, how to improve the entry?

I would suggest using the whole phrase `overweg kunnen met’.

By the way, this phrase can also be used with things/situations. Then it can be translated as “to handle”.




aanbieden heißt auf De “anbeten”, nicht “anbieten”


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Thx very much. I’ve edited that. :medal_military::bouquet:

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Das ist aber falsch - aanbieden heißt sehr wohl anbieten!
Anbeten wäre anbidden.

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aanbieden = offer / anbieten
aanbidden = worship/ anbeten


That’s what I figured out. Still, Angharad rightly pointed out, that there was an issue with aanbidden . The German translation was wrong indeed. I guess that was just a typo on his part. It’s correct now (PS.: aanbieden is not to be found in this course).

Thx for your comments. Really appreciate it.

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Well, I didn’t check the lay-out of the course. But maybe you would like to know that the Dutch aanbidden is not a separable verb in contrast to the German anbeten. Which is a bit tricky for native German/Dutch speakers.


howdi, ich bin’s schon wieder

stomerij heißt “(chemische) Reinigung” (nicht “Wäscherei”)


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Hmm, Langenscheid führt hier (wie auch Google Translate) die “chemische Reinigung” an, aber bei dict.cc wird die “Reinigung” angeführt.

Auch eine Google Suche nach “stomerij” bringt keine eindeutigen Ergebnisse. Ich schätze, beide Bedeutungen sind relevant.

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