English 3 have a 2 same russian words - “a card”, and “a map” - “карта”. And not understand what meaning a card or a map. please fix it.
Т.к. только осваиваю, то напишу для большего понимания проблемы.
Курс Английский 3 имеет слово “карта” только в одном смысловом значении это географическая карта, а в другом пластиковая, и понять какая имеется ввиду никак невозможно.
Because Just learn, then write for a better understanding of the problem.
The English 3 course has the word “map” only in one meaning meaning it is a geographical map, and in another plastic one, and to understand what it means is impossible.
Would you be so kind to verify the female voicing of “a documentary” and “a crime book” in English 5 Level 2?
For “a documentary” I hear a woman saying “a documentary a comedy”.
And “a crime book” sound very much like “a comic book”.
Hello! Here’s a bug with word “a wallet”! I write it correct, but the program is always says what I made a mistake!
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Hello! Here’s a bug with word “a wallet”! I write it correct, but the program is always says what I made a mistake!
What course are you talking about?
@VictorGribchenkov76 It could be that you have to use an extra space? I have a similar difficulty in French where I have to include a space between the last word and the exclamation mark “!”, perhaps try adding a space at the end (after “wallet”)
Instead of “Sante!” I have to write “Sante !” in my French course.
Sorry if that’s no help
that is French punctuation: colons, semicolons, exclamation points, question marks are all always preceded by a space:
Yet it doesn’t use a space when separating two things e.g. le journaliste; la journaliste
I didn’t know there was supposed to be a space though, thank you for the tip
Course - English 2 (341 words)
Do you mean this course? There are thousands of English courses in Memrise. Who is the creator?
Is it one of the official courses (with videos)?
A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Английский 1-7 by Memrise: Неточности и прочие баги (English for Russian speakers)
From the screenshot I see it is British English course. I moved it to that course forum I linked above
Hopefully @pasha75 or someone else can look into it.
It is because this is not French there. Just system coding so you don’t have to type in both.
English 3 have a 2 same russian words - “a card”, and “a map” - “карта”. And not understand what meaning a card or a map. please fix it.
Т.к. только осваиваю, то напишу для большего понимания проблемы.
Курс Английский 3 имеет слово “карта” только в одном смысловом значении это географическая карта, а в другом пластиковая, и понять какая имеется ввиду никак невозможно.
Because Just learn, then write for a better understanding of the problem.
The English 3 course has the word “map” only in one meaning meaning it is a geographical map, and in another plastic one, and to understand what it means is impossible.
There is a special course forum thread where you can ask and comment in Russian
A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Английский 1-7 by Memrise: Неточности и прочие баги (English for Russian speakers)