Course Database Downloadable?

Is there any way to download the database I’m making? Btw not an entire course as in the app, but the database in a self created course.

Hi semibroiledpotato,

The only way I know is to use the Anki extension

Yes the anki extension seems to be the only way that will also include the sound files, etc. This can still be kind of a mess though. To get it in excel for example you will also have to install an anki extension that allows you to export to csv. Here you have to pick ‘basic’ after downloading and put all the attributes you want to keep (anwser, question, audio, part of speech, etc.) on either the back or the front of the card. The sound files obviously won’t be included in the csv file, only the name of it. The files will be stored (with random names like 9zdf-sdfs5-565sdfsd) in the folder AppData --> Roaming --> (profilename) --> You will have to use your own code to rename and sort these files so that you know which is which, if you want that.

If you only want a list of the question and the answer (and not the audio, part of speech, and other attributes only the creator can see), you can simply use memrise scraper.

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This is awesome. I’m trying right now with one of my courses but it is taking a long time.