Correcting mistakes?

I’m quite disappointed in finding mistakes on the EP course, particularly in 3. I don’t want to just ignore them as some of them are good for practicing, so it would be great if they could be fixed - one example is ‘you speak very fast’ but you have ‘falas’ as ‘fala’. Is there a quick way to report these mistakes/inconsistencies? Thanks

there are many European Portuguese courses on memrise. Which one do you mean? Look under Portuguese for [Course forum], maybe your can find your course. Although, if you mean the “official!” courses, you’ll not find a link/forum for them. They (memrise team) just don’t care, seemingly.

I meant the official one!

I asked a Portuguese friend who explained that they’re not errors, but some terms don’t seem correct but are often used in that way (or would be used by his mother but he wouldn’t say it) or some are formal not informal, so I suggested that they put formal/informal in brackets after - but he said that what might be considered formal in one part of Portugal might be informal in another. So I’m just more confused now with my learning ha.

Maybe they need some explanations after…

Good morning, I have the same comments about mistakes. Is there a way we can join the course writer directly ? Like in “Portugais Nombres” três mil is given for 10.000.

Thanks, GV

There’s official course forum… for memrise european portuguese [Course Forum] Portuguese (European) 1 to 7 by Memrise made on 10th of July (I found it typing “portuguese” in search" @tornozelo-do-bispo

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I asked a Portuguese friend who responded that some terms don’t seem correct but are frequently used in that way (or would use it but wouldn’t say it) or some are formal not informal. I suggested that they put formal/informal in brackets after, but he responded that what might be considered formal in one part of Portugal might be informal in another. So my learning is just more confusing now, ha.