Conversational German by Robodl95

I’m always interested in how this can be done. Can you provide a couple of screenshots of words or phrases you have done this to? I curate a four-part Swedish course containing over 8,000 words and the problem crops up a lot. I have disambiguated words mostly by extending the definitions and adding phrases where the word in question typically appears, but sometimes my definitions have ended up being a bit long …

So any alternative ways of dealing with this problem are always welcome!

Many thanks in advance and I hope it’s not too much to ask.

Hello amanda-norrsken,
Thanks for you concern :wink:.

Well, I don’t really know. I’ve read in several places it is used in Southern German, Austria en Eastern Europe. I’ve just added Hi! to the translation.

Just found this question online:

“Woher kommt eigentlich der begriff : “Servus” wenn die BAyern sich hallo sagen wollen^^”

I would have liked to add an extra column especially for disambiguating. But contributors are not allowed to this :slightly_frowning_face:. So I had to use the Part of Speech column because that is the only available column that is set to Show at Tests.

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Thanks for the screenshot!

And how does it look when the individual learner goes through the course?

During review:

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That works! Then people know that they need the other phrase here. I write in brackets after the word itself, "(not: “…”)

Hello! Great course, but some items still lack audio, and for some (mostly in the Idioms levels) the audio and the written words don’t exactly match. Is there a chance for this getting fixed in the near future? Thanks in advance!

Hi Ora9,

Sofar I’ve added more than 260 pieces of audio spoken by native German speakers to this course. For audio that was close but did not exactly match the original words and sentences in the course I’ve made edits and/or added alternatives. If there are still problems there then maybe you could pinpoint them.

For about 40 phrases and sentences I have not been able to find suitable audio. I could do another search for those but I’ll probably not find that much more.

Übrigens, there are another 20 words or so in the database that are not currently included the course. I could add them if people want to learn even more.

I think it would be the best if the main version of a phrase is the one that has audio, while the others could be alternatives. (For example, for “to make a face”, the default German is “ein Gesicht schneiden”, while the audio is “ein Gesicht ziehen”.)

Have you considered at least using machine audio for those where you can’t find native speakers? I know it’s vastly inferior, but (to me at least) it’s better than nothing.

As for the extra 20 words or so, I’d be happy if they were added. :slight_smile: After all, if someone doesn’t want them, they can always just click “ignore”.

The default is now “ein Gesicht machen,” and there are three alternatives, two with audio.

Great course but I have a problem on the iPad version (not on the android version)
An additional level appears between 15 and 16 - also called level 15 (91-95)
This contains 3 phrases to learn - 2 of which are also in level 16
No matter how many times you learn the phrases they appear as un-learnt so it is impossible to progress on the course without repeating the 3 phrases

Screenshot below

Thanks for your help

Hello @Graham.L,

In January I did an overhaul of the course after adding some new words. I reordered many words and sentences into different levels and renamed many levels. You are still seeing a level I then removed from the course (with just numbers as the name of the level). I can’t really do anything about that because the level is not in the course anymore.

I’ve no experience with the app so I don’t exactly know how to solve this problem. Is it not possible the reload/update the course?

Hi - thanks for your reply
I tried that but the spurious level reappeared when I rejoined the course
If anyone else has encountered this or has a solution I would be interested
Meanwhile I can use the android version
Thanks again

Gern geschehen.:wink:

You could try in the iOS bugs forum section.

Gute Idee
Vielen Dank!

Solved problem

I noticed Willkommen only had the one L which is quite confusing for students.
Also I find the section entitled “Opinions” really hard to learn because there are so many similar expressions. Perhaps if you put “I completely agree WITH YOUR OPINION” if would trigger off “ah that’s the one with GANZ and MEINUNG in it”. It would make it easier to remember. Also, is there any way of grouping two the same so the student puts the two down at the same time, i.e. “What do you think of?” - Wie finden Sie and Was halten Sie von?

“Wir sind damit einverstanden” In a lot of dictionaries is translated as “we are content with this”. This would make it easier to learn as it would separate it from “Daruber sind wir uns einig” which is translated as “we agree on that/we are in agreement on that”. Correcting this would make it easier to learn. THanks for your time.

Willkommen has a double l. Just a bit confusing for students if it is the wrong spelling. Also I think the translations could be a little clearer. There are several very similar translations (for instance in “Opinions” that are really difficult to remember because they are all so alike. It is really hard for me to move onto the next level as I can’t complete this particular section. For instance, “da bin ich ganz ihrer Meinung” you have translated as “I completely agree with you”. Even having YOUR OPINION in the answer will help students to remember the phrase. Including the word OPINION would help students to remember it. Also, I feel because there are several phrases with almost identical answers, they could be grouped together as one answer with (THREE ANSWERS) included in the instructions. It’s hard enough trying to remember the words without having to search in the letters as if you’re doing a word search. This is something Memrise should take on board. For instance in another course der Imbissstand, die Imbissbude and der Schnellimbiss could be grouped as one in answer the “snack bar”. I’m just using this as an example. Thanks for your time.