Confused about spacing when incorrect

Hi hoping someone can help me work this out.

I understand what happens if you consistently get things right, that the repetitions get further and further apart - great.

However, I got an item wrong yesterday, I had it up again today and got it right - so far so good but when editing the level it was in after review I noticed it’s now next up for review in 12 days which has confused me a lot. I had assumed if you got something wrong then the repetitions were reset but clearly that isn’t the case.

This is an item that I had failed to recall after 6(??) days which I then got right on a 4 hour spacing so I find it alarming that it’s going to be 12 days before I see it again. Do all my items behave like that?

Presumably if I get it wrong again in 12 days then right on the 4 hour check then, it could get longer again when I’ve never proven I remember the item for longer that 4 hours.

Any advice welcome


Was it yellow-wrong or red-wrong?

I think that sometimes if you make a mistake once and then continue answering it correctly, it returns to the original sequence, because it might have been a typo or something and you in fact knew the word (it would be annoying to go through the whole sequence again because of a typo).

But I’m only guessing here, I do not know how exactly it works.

It probably was yellow although I’ve noticed many mistakes end up yellow even when they are severe.

I just typed “der Dunkel” (the dark) when the answer was “der Drucker” (the printer) and this went yellow. I think those words are pretty different and it certainly wasn’t a typo…

Ideally I’d want to reset the progress on both those words as something has obviously got confused in there, instead it seems convinced I hardly need to revise the word at all. I have a good short term memory and get almost all words right at a 4 hour review so that really means nothing to me in terms of checking if I actually know something.

I presume there’s no way to make this yellow wrong less aggressive. I think it should be a max of 1 character. I don’t really want to stop guessing as I feel that process of reaching into your memory and making your best guess is useful in terms of building usable language skills.

This topic comes up from time to time. There is some helpful explanation about how the review intervals work here: Why do some courses never come up for review?

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Pretty annoying but I guess I’ll need to work out how to make it work.

Can you reset individual words or do you need to do the whole level at once?

I just wish I could turn off the “yellow” review as it is far too forgiving if you want to put a focus on correct articles, accents and spelling.

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No, I don’t think so, unless someone has written a user script for it.

For those with Memrise Pro, there is the ‘difficult words’ tool.

Alternatively, I created an unlisted ‘Revision’ course where I add and delete ‘tricky’ words that I have trouble with, so that I can replant them. It’s a bit clunky but works for me.

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Good idea thanks.

Might give that a try!