Course: The Complete Klingon Vocabulary course by @pastorNathan
This course has an error in level 4, presumably from imperfect copying of the entries from the Klingon Dictionary.
The entry “buS - concentrate on, focus on, think only about (v)” has been split into two entries, so entry for buS ends after the word “think” and there’s a “ghost word” entry “only - about (v)”.
Is there a way to contact the course creator about this?
That basic Klingon course has been taken over by another user.
@Atikker, do you want to merge this with that other course forum? Thank you! I’ve never bothered to learn how to do that.
AT first I didn’t realize that this thread is about a more advanced course by the same original course creator. Perhaps @Bicorn will want to be added as a course contributor.
Change it to a forum for Klingon courses by pastorNathan? Saves users the wait of wondering whether the course creator is still active on the site, and shows users how to volunteer to curate the course?
pastorNathan, the course creator for Klingon Grammar and Complete Klingon Vocabulary, is not active. I was given control of the Grammar course, which I have been correcting and updating. However, I do not have control of the Vocab course, so that is just floating in the wind with no editor.