Classic Review changes

Yes, you can access the old Classic review from the course page but after 1 review cycle it prompts for either Difficult Words or Speed Review and you’ve got to choose the “More” button to get to the old Classic stuff. If you’re a fan of Classic Review, it sure does slow down your learning progress - though I’m sure it also increases the page clicks / views for the site :frowning:

If you refresh screen while on that page, it will start next classic review, so it’s not a big problem (I’m sure they’ll “fix” this behaviour though).
The bigger problem is that you don’t see how many words left in the classic review anymore, so you don’t know sometimes should you refresh or should you go for the difficult words or should you just leave and never visit again this shit of a website.


Technically, you can see if there are any words to review left by compairing numbers of total words learned and words in LTM. So, from the screen above it can be deduced that there are 3671 - 2996 = 675 words left to review.

I think it’s about as convenient to use as this More button, that is, not convenient at all. But whatever, it seems they are really commited to the new design so why bother listening to the users’ complaints?

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If you click “more” without words to review, the button “classic review” will be disabled. If you want a random review you can’t do it from there. It was a very bad change.

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Do you mean level-by-level? I’ve worked that out, but I think it’s less useful, because you have some idea of the words that are coming, and – as far as I can tell (I accept I might be wrong here) – they always come in the same order.

Personally, I don’t feel that is as educationally useful as weak words picked at random from the whole “learned” list.

Or is there some other way? I am relatively new to Memrise (having joined only a few weeks before the changes), so I’m more than happy to be enlightened!

no, i do not mean level by level, I mean the main page of the course

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EDIT: Found it!! How did I never notice that – thank you so much @Hydroptere!

PREVIOUSLY WROTE: Okay, but I only get the blue “review” button when the algorithms think I have words to review – which is not nearly often enough for my memory. Previously, it was available all the time, but now it’s mostly greyed out

You can do extra reviews via the white “Review” button on the Levels page. Just bypass the “More” button.

I also have this “problem” it is not beneficial to me, I have lost days of training the way I learn, I am frustrated with the new changes and do not believe I will renew my “Pro”.

This does not work for me

As you can see the Classic Review is grayed out, so you still can’t click it.

I cannot tell what’s wrong without knowing what exactly you have tried to do.

Thanks, but I’ve found a workaround now, so I’m content.

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We’re releasing changes today to allow the following:

  • Start a Classic Review session when there are no items ready to review.
  • Start a Difficult Words session with one or more difficult words in a course.

The original changes were made to align the behaviour with the mobile apps but since many of you use the web differently, we’ve decided to revert them.



Hi @diego.lopez,

Thanks. Can you copy this to the Announcements area please?

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Hopefully it will be implemented soon. Can’t wait for it.

This is brilliant. Thanks for listening.

that way the day before yesterday?.. well, just got the bug… :frowning_face:

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Sorry I don’t understand your question.
We release changes multiple times per week, usually many different changes together.
The plan was to release those tweaks to review and difficult words yesterday but got delayed til 1pm UK time today.
The bug with the course title which I assume you’re referring to is due to an unrelated issue and we’ll investigate tomorrow morning.


thanks. What I meant yesterday , on my dashboard I did not see anywhere those latest reversals. Now I see them. Hope to see the course headers back soon as well.