[Chrome Extension] Memrise Monitor

Apparently it’s cause of a recent Memrise update that broke word data mining. That’s why it won’t show anything for me (cause it can’t scan anything) and why it’s inaccurate for you (cause it can’t scan anything new beyond what it already had prior to this update)

I think I’ve fixed the issue but if there are still problems let me know.

I think the same issue might have sprung up again, though I’m not completely sure, it’s just that it doesn’t seem to factor in new items when I learn them or re-cache the courses. Could you investigate?

manual caching should work, however I found that storing new items as you learn them was broken - I’ve fixed it now and the update will be up in about an hour.

For me this addon is stuck on “please wait” text. I tried to log in, log out - nothing works. It is my first time with this addon, perhaps website has been recently changed?

I’ve recently tested installing from scratch and it loaded ok, you may need to wait a while for it to load if there are many courses.

@ForSSberg, what browser are you using? Are you using GreaseMonkey?

@cooljingle, I don’t know if you’ve been following along in some of the other threads or not, but it looks like maybe a lot of userscripts aren’t working when using Greasemonkey in Firefox Quantum. My suggested fix for this is for people to use Tampermonkey if using Firefox Quantum.

I think we may get a lot of questions about this as people update to the newest version of Firefox.

Thanks for the heads-up! It should be noted that this thread is for a chrome extension which won’t be affected by the firefox update.

Ah, haha, right… XD

Nope, I use pure Chrome.

It is stuck at “please wait” for 35 min already. I think it is too much anyway :stuck_out_tongue
I follow 5 curses so it is not much.

My Chrome’s version is 62.0.3202.94.

Hello. In view of recent changes on Memrise I decided to give this extension a try. At first sight, Forecasts are quite interesting and Learning looks like much better version of Dashboard.

I have a slight problem with Learning section however. I can see all my courses with correct numbers for them but links don’t work for me. The only link that does work is home and all others lead to
where X stands for corresponding correct link for the selected course. Could someone please check if it works for them?

I think that the update that was pushed recently broke it again.

I installed this script a week ago or so, but it’s still “Please Wait”. I tried setting different goals, and resets, it didnt work. I’m on windows with Google Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186

If you need any more debug info I can try to provide anything you need to help you :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply, I plan on giving the extension a refresh and hopefully get it working as a firefox addon also. I will update this thread once it is done, alternatively I’ll discover that none of the code works any more, in which case I’ll also share the sad news.


Unfortunately it’s still broken (2019/01/13) :frowning: Any progress on that fix?

I want this for firefox :pray:

It did not work for my Chrome. I tried to delete some cousers but no luck. All I can see is a “Please wait…”. Can you fix that?

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