Chinese user having trouble purchasing Pro account

@MemriseMatty (and rest of team), there’s a Chinese user in the Chinese forums trying to purchase a Pro account but having some issues, here’s a link to the post:

Not sure if anyone from the Memrise team is going to respond there, so here’s the original post with an English translation:

很是遗憾。。以前订阅过一次pro版但是因为支付宝故障还是什么因素再加上实在太贵,一直用破解版,趁现在有个五折优惠,希望来支持下忆术家,但是吧,在谷歌商城下载APP是2000+日元账单,在百度下载的是中文210元,但是点击购买说网页不存在,请返回主页,主页是美元还没折扣。 这就有点尴尬了,希望能给一个渠道或者方法。
“I’m very sorry… previously I tried subscribing to the pro version but due to an issue paying added to the fact that it was just simply too expensive, I’ve always used the normal version. Trying to take advantage of the 50% discount now I wanted to support the developers, however downloading the app from the Google Play Store the price is 2000+ Japanese yen (~$18) and the one downloaded from Baidu is 210 RMB ($32), but when I press “purchase” it says that the website doesn’t exist, please return to the previous page. The main page is in USD and on top of that doesn’t have the discount. It’s a bit embarrassing, hopefully someone can show me a way or method I can get this done.”