Bug: Multiple Choice test is missing from the learning sequence

I started a learning session with this course, and was given a tapping test after answer correctly.

I would like to ask the same question which Kaspian asked, do you have any scripts running which is changing Memrise behaviour?

Thank you for your answer. I started a learning seasion with this course Pel mel anglických slovíček, frází a vě… - by ddf76 - Memrise with and was only give a typing test.

I have a set up of my course correctly.

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Just had a check with that course and was also given tapping test after answering correctly once.

I also noticed you haven’t actually done any learning on any of those courses today. Your course consists of both tapping and typing test so you’ll also receive typing test.

Could you try getting some progress and check if you receive tapping test?

Until last week I learnt new phrases and sentences by tapping tests. First step was new two phrases and sentences in learning session and then it followed a tapping test and and then several tapping tests. A typing test was a final step of learning session. How can I remember a long sentence without a tapping test? When I learnt new two words in learning session so the first step was two new words and then a selection of four options. Typing test was after two step of selections.
I didn´t know what you done last week in memrise. I didn´t read about any change in memrise. What did you do in memrise last week?

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I tried the learing session. I didn´t like this learning session. I can´t remember long sentences without tapping test. This is good for nothing. I am disapointed with this learning session. I havn´t learnt new words, phrases and sentences since Thursday.

This is the same experience posted about back in December, but that got no traction.

I experience the same issue with Tapping Tests in the Morse Code module. It’s impossible to give a correct answer, they all just flag as incorrect.
All scripts are enabled, I’m running no custom scripts, and there are no errors being logged in the console either.

Why not deactivate typing test in your course?

The only changes I’m aware of, are the changes for typing / tapping test for Official Memrise courses.

Why? It worked properly from September of the last year to Thursday of last week. Nobody explained me where is the problem? It is responsible for the memrise employees. I want to learn my learned words, phrases and sentences by typing test. I want to learn new words, phrases amd sentences by tapping tests. Could you explain me where is the problem? If not. I want to end my membership of memrise. Why I paid the membership of memrise. Good for nothing.

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huh? who is “it” that is “responsible for the memrise employees”?

memrise offers a certain way of learning with few (to none) customisation options (customisation eats tremendous capacties, it seems), the only option of the user is to take it or leave it…

you could try: a. other courses on memrise, b. making your own courses and then set the testing as you wish…

How about customising your course to do just that? (From what I can see, all of these are your course)

You can edit your course to only show typing test, by editing the level and disabling tapping test from the column.
You can edit your course to only show tapping test, by editing the level and disabling typing test from the column.

So when you’re learning a new word you can edit your course and remove the typing test function. Then when you’re ready to review your words, you can toggle back typing test then disable tapping test.

This does feel like a tedious way of doing so, but will do exactly what you want.

@Joshua, I’ve read this thread, and I think you may be missing ddf76’s point. You shouldn’t have had to “answer correctly once”. If the above screenshots, and what you describe, are accurate, this is a new bug that is requiring a one-time typing test before proceeding to giving the appropriate tapping tests.

The screenshot in ddf76’s post #7 is showing being asked to type from memory a complicated, long response as the very first memory plant for a new item. This is new, and I doubt very much that this is an intentional design feature. This is a bug.

Normal Memrise behavior is that the course should first give a multiple choice test, then a tapping test. The issue doesn’t seem to be typing vs tapping. I think the issue is that a multiple choice test has been replaced in sequence by a typing test.

This is the point. This is the bug. Normal Memrise behavior is that the course should first give a multiple choice test, then a tapping test and then a typing test of an end of course. Thanks lurajane.

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I’ve renamed the topic to highlight the missing multiple choice test.

Ok. Thank you.

But I cannot fix the bug. I am just another Memrise user, not staff.

I understand. Thank you for your help.

since last week they released the new update and they proudly!! announced we removed typing test for more than 15 characters.
you can change to have or not to have the tapping test in the setting but there’s no setting for avoiding multiple choice answers.
you are not alone and we raised the issue on different part of the forum including Bug section and releasing announcement by memrise. alas memrise team decided to keep quiet on this issue.
I have cancelled my renewal subscription to see if they change it back or make it customisable in the setting.

@lurajane I wrote “answer correctly once” because of that exact behaviour which you’ve written above.

You’ll need to first answer the multiple choice test correctly, then you’ll be given a tapping test.

I’ve answered that same question wrong over and over again and was not once given a typing test.

Here’s what happen’s when I do answer correctly.

From this course Gerundium a infinitiv s to - by ddf76 - Memrise .

Step 1