[BA-1020] Ghost Words in Community and Official Courses


I’ve found another lesson that cannot be finished due to (I assume) a ghost word:

Would it be possible to resolve this?

The course TTMIK Korean Slang Expressions + audio - by nae_nae_ - Memrise was partly fixed. The missing words appeared. But after 37 level the proble remained.

Hi @LaravZ, can you please let us know if you are stuck at a certain level?
@harigamypeople16 Unfortunately, it looks like the creator has stopped adding translations after level 37, so we won’t be able to fix this one :frowning:


@MemriseSupport Yes, level 20. The link above should link to that level directly.

Thanks @LaravZ, please try again as this should now be fixed :slightly_smiling_face:


@MemriseSupport Definitively solved! Thanks, you’re awesome! :+1:

In the course, Level 4 - ¿Qué te gusta leer? - Viva GCSE Foundation - Module 3 - Memrise , if you check the amount of words it says that there is 8 but if you go through the words there is only 7. When you go to learn new words since this word is non-existant it says theres an error.

This is now fixed :slightly_smiling_face:



Does this mean that the issue of ghost words persists, but is fixed on a case-to-case basis?

Hi @J_Berg yes unfortunately, this is the workaround for now.

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Getting an error with this one: Level 8 - Sports and fine arts - Kanzen Master N3 Vocab - No duplicat… - Memrise (@LanguageManiac_)

I know I can just skip it, but it’s annoying to have “Learn New Words” keep defaulting to that level because it’s stuck somehow.

If I understand correctly, memrise is defaulting you to level 8? That’s unfortunately not an error on my side, I make all my courses the same way, and never experienced that. There’s just no way for me to fix that.

Maybe try clearing the data on memrise app through settings-> apps if you’re on android (that will log you out from the app too so you’ll have to login again) or update the app and see if that fixes the issue.

No. I finished that level, but it said that there’s still one more word to learn. It only defaults to that level because it says I haven’t finished all the words, even though I have. So I have to manually select another level.

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That also looks like a memrise error. Not on my side unfortunately, sorry, can’t fix it.

Edit: exactly, I didn’t read the first post here, this is a bug on memrise’s internal code. The important thing here is that they already know this is happening and will fix it hopefully soon. I hope you’re enjoying the course despite this issue.

Hi there, this is indeed an error that we could manage better, however there is a way for creators and contributors to fix this :slightly_smiling_face:

The issue was caused by a missing definition in the ‘Test on’ column (in this case, English). As a reminder, please make sure that none of the items in the Test on or Prompt with columns are blank, or it will break the level (note that the Kana column, which in this case isn’t a ‘Test on’ nor a ‘Prompt with’ column, can safely remain blank).

More details on test directions: https://memrise.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015887097

I’ve now deleted the faulty item, so the error should no longer occur. If the issue appears in other levels as well, please make sure you check the above for a quick fix.

I hope this clears any confusion.




Encountering a “ghost word” bug on the 6th and last item in this course: Level 16 - Shopping (adjectives) - Module 4: Sentences - Memrise

It’s extremely irritating and disappointing to spend hundreds of hours completing a course and not get the satisfaction of being able to see it finished as an accomplishment, you know?

Hope this is something that can be fixed.


@avanavana I am tagging @Beth.halford7 here to request them to add an English translation for the item ‘རྒྱ་གར་བས་ཇ་མངར་མོ་ཞེ་པོ་གཅིག་བཟོ་གི་རེད།’ on level 16. If we don’t hear back, we’ll remove the offending item.

Ok, thank you @MemriseSupport . After finding this thread, I wasn’t sure if this was a bug/Memrise issue or a user-created input issue.

Alternatively, if you don’t hear back, you could add the English translation, which should be: “ Indians make tea very sweet.” (This translation is the official one from our class materials)

Thanks for your attention to this!

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@avanavana great, this has now been added so the course should work again :slightly_smiling_face:

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Web version | Chrome | Win 7 x64
Level 3 in # Spanish (Spain) 1 looks incomplete though I’ve learnt all these words. The overall number of words/phrases in the lesson is 21, but it is displayed as 22. If I click on the “Continue learning” button then the “Whoops! Learn New Words couldn’t load” window appears. The screenshots are below (sorry for such a poor illustration - I’m not allowed to add several images here yet). I’ve also marked mistakes in the Russian version of the error window - one extra letter and a missing comma.

POST https://app.memrise.com/v1.21/learning_sessions/learn/ 400