This is in the “Who Composed Me?” course however I’ve had this happen in other courses as well. It’s just that the audio is very important in this course. There is no problems with my audio or internet.
Hi, like @ApolloNexus I was going to suggest clicking the loudspeaker icon.
I know what you mean and it is very annoying.
In the past I have wondered if the audio file had a long silent lead-in or if my internet was slow, but NEITHER applies, which leaves the possibility that perhaps the MemRise server is rather busy.
You could try a script that disables the timer. There’s one called Memrise Timer Disabler, and the version of Memrise Turbo that I’m currently using also disables it. [Wiki] All the Userscripts.
I’ve been experiencing this for years. Just in case the audio isn’t important for you, muting the audio in the upper left often speeds up the review/learning session. I used to use the audio as just a nice addition when first starting off with Chinese, but often I would answer a question and then there would be a 3-20 second pause depending on the day until the audio loaded, so after a while I just default to no sound.