Anyone learning Hungarian?

Hi all, i am also a hungarian native, and i would be happy to exchange hungarian conversation for german(b1-b2), or czech b2 if it’s possible. I have to admit, though, that i cant really help to beginners, 'cause i have no idea about the hungarian grammar rules, i have forgot them long time ago.

Is this not the case with all foreign languages?
Here’s what I do with the courses I create (in any language): at beginner’s level, I give only the most common translation. “Tiszta” is “clean” in that case. This helps me to memorize more easily and get a feel for the word.
At more advanced levels, I give more translations per word and also more expressions with that word. Why? Because at that level, I want to communicate differently. Not just give or get information, but also express opinions, emotions, connotations, etcetera. It is only at that stage that I find more subtle differences interesting.
This any useful as general approach?

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I am beginner in Hungarian and create my own course basing on available materials (coursebook, phrasebook, online materials). It would be nice to at least to try to write with somebody in the language and if some native speaker would be willing to record some simple words and phrases would be great. I get what I can from wiktionary (recordings), but many entries doesn’t provide a recording there.

Thanks in advance,