Another database / level bug -- entries already in course don't show up in add word search results

So I want to ignore some 400 words automatically. To do that, I created a new level in my private course and pasted all the words I want to ignore in there, and then ignore all the words in that level.

Now I discover that not all the items get linked. On limited further exploration, I discover that although the original words are in the database, they do not show up in the search results when you want to add words to levels. My entry for 蚪 for example does get recognized and ignored and shows up in search results when you type it in the add word field, 袒 for example doesn’t.

These are very infrequent characters, but not so infrequent that Memrise doesn’t give search results from its own database.

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I’ve been noticing this as well. The search in the level editor seems to have the same funky issues that the database editor’s does.

The best I’ve been able to come up with is to try different combinations of putting info into the search boxes. I’m usually able to eventually come up with the entry that I’m looking for. I always try to keep an eye on the entry count in my databases too, because if I find that there’s an extra item in there, it means that rather than importing from the database, I at some point added a new one, and need to try again.

I’m still crossing my fingers that these issues get fixed eventually, as they’ve really made course creation and maintenance a complete chore for me. :sweat:

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I’ve been having similar issues:

¿Have you found a fix?