Android bugs


Do you see this screen in the official courses? Another silent update?

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Hi @Hombre_sin_nombre you’ve just beaten us to the punch :grinning: We were waiting for the rollout of the new version to reach all users. You can see the update here.

The only problem is that I have not updated my app for months.

Is there a way to completely avoid this screen?

The android app has been very slow at times over the past few weeks. That is, starting the app can sometimes take like 30s. Scrolling quickly through (down) the course list (i. e. swiping up quickly) results in choppy movements of the list.

Getting into your settings can take forever (I usually restart 1-2 times, but they seems to appear after a minute or so if you care to wait), accessing someone’s profile on a leaderboard seems to not work at times, etc.

Note that all of these happen intermittently. Any pointers, @MemriseSupport?

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You forced me to install the latest version of the app, and I don’t like this fact. And I wasn’t surprised in the least that you still have a bug reported to you about three years ago.

After installation if you are changing predetermined settings your app is automatically switching from 10 to 7 words in the learning sessions. You should do this several times, so the app would remember it.

Also, in the dark mode a dropout menu on the points page with history, week, month choice is white on white.

Wow, I haven’t seen that bug in a long time - I often switch between learning 3 and 5 words and my setting always persisted between sessions. I never use 7 or 10 words though as that proved to be buggy when doing two consecutive learning sessions, i.e. you didn’t learn 10 words completely after two sessions.

It only happens with 7 words sessions, when a level has 7, 17, 27 words and so on. Then you’ll have four rounds for the final 7 words. But with 3 and 5 words you are also dividing your session into too many parts, ain’t you?

I suppose you’re right. In fact this seems to be exactly what I listed as bug #25 and described in detail in the posting below (see the last paragraph there):

But in addition to that I encountered an additional/different problem when learning 10 words (always provided that there is at least the given count of unlearned word on a given level) in two consecutive sessions.
However, I can’t safely state as to whether that bug still exists or not as I have been avoiding learning sessions with 10-words ever since because it left me with partially learned items …

Yes, with 7 words your session consists of four parts ending with 2 words.

I don’t know about 10 words session bugs, never noticed anything strange.

But maybe you are talking about official courses, where they reduced learning rounds depending on difficulty. Some words were taking 3-4 rounds, others were taking 6 as usual. Not sure if this algorithm still exists, been far from official courses lately.

Interesting - presently, I’m only learning two official Memrise courses - DE-TR and DE-RU. In both courses, I haven’t seen anything but 2 sessions with 3 iterations before an item is fully learned.
In the past I had actually seen that some items were learned “prematurely”, but not for the at least a year or so.

Here is one thing @James_g_memrise

Sometimes you have to check translations in official or user created course, because there are many mistakes in them. At the moment I’m going through one of the official courses and I can’t copy a word from the app. You made it impossible to copy, though on a phone it’s easier to copy than to type, I hope you understand why.

I remember that when you did it for the first time someone coplained about it and then you reversed your decision. But now you did it again.

It’s so tiresome that your team is doing everything to make it difficult even in things which are so simple. I don’t understant how after all those years you are so far away from your users and don’t have a clue about how to make your app better.

You just giving an impression to your investors that you are busy by repainting blue buttons into red and red buttons into blue. What a waste of time and resources.