Alternatives to memrise?

how good were these two for Hindi? (Id mean in general for non-latin scripts… I have to advance my Mandarin pronto, and did not really found a suitable replacement

(cerego is fine in a certain measure, but the team is rather self-righteous and stubborn; they also give all sort of stupid advice between sessions, maybe the majority of their users are a bit… moronic?)

and wohok /clozemaster etc seem useful just for consolidating info that one already learnt previously)

Thanks for all the recommendations. I’ve started using Lingvist for brushing up my Spanish, and it’s excellent - I’m looking forward to them adding other languages.


anki and a basic “german for dummies” book is where I’m heading. I want to learn a language not play a language based game which is what memrise seems to actually be at this point.

does anybody know a slim version of Anki (i find editing of cards very cumbersome in Anki)

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Is there an alternative to Anki with a user friendly GUI and typing option?

From what I saw when I looked at Anki, it’s software you download and run locally, right? It’s not somewhere where you can browse through all the courses lots of other people have mind, find surprisingly obscure things people have made good courses for, connect with other people who are taking the same courses, and collaboratively point out problems in a course and get them fixed - right?

Yes and no.

Yes, it’s software you download and run locally, but it also has an online synchronization feature, so you can study on your computer and on your phone, pretty much seamlessly.

No, it has no game-like or social aspects or forums like memrise, for example, but there are many publicly shared decks that people have created on a wide range of subjects that you can easily download and use without problems.

It isn’t strictly text-based. You can also have audio or visual elements on the flashcards. For example, you could have an image of a classic painting paired with its painter, or the sound of a guitar chord paired with its name.

Main page here:
Online synchronized practice of your decks can be done here:


Thanks a lot! It is very interesting web site!
Trying it now!

I’d say for many here (myself included) the “game” like aspect of Memrise is definitely part of what helps us keep up our daily learning, and along with the ability to use anywhere with an internet connection and course editing features is why there really are no truly good alternatives that I know of. At any rate nobody should be relying on one single method for language learning, and given Memrise’s recent history it’s probably a good time to start looking around at other ways to complement it.


I’ve heard good things about Language Zen (but I haven’t used it yet). However, while it is free to use at first, you’ll eventually have to pay if you want to do more. It’s also a relatively new program so the only language they have is Spanish.

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Anki has a typing option, probably more than one. On the whole, this program is very flexible and has a great choice of possibilities. The only drawback (if it is a drawback) is that you need to read some documentation on their site or to google it, not all the functions are obvious at first sight. I guess you are right, Anki is not particularly user-friendly :slight_smile:

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Downloading a deck sounds like you then have a separate copy of it than anyone else does. If you find a problem I guess you fix it yourself? But then, it may be that plenty of other people found and fixed the same problem in their own download, but you still got the bad deck… or is there some central way of sharing updates with everyone who’s using the same deck as you?

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Can you do the thing memrise does with images and audio, where you may have 10 or 20 different pictures for the same car, and each review gives you a randomly selected one?

There isn’t any centralized or automatic way to share updates with others using the same deck as you, but depending on how you look at it, that could be considered an advantage, because it prevents random people from messing up a good deck too.

What they do have is a page for every shared deck, where you can leave a review. Here’s one for the GCSE Latin deck, for example:

If you made corrections or improvements to it, you could always share your improved deck, and leave a review for the original deck with a description and link to your improved deck.

It obviously wasn’t designed with social learning or collaborative learning features, the way memrise was, but at least there is a way to communicate and provide feedback about the shared decks.


No, not that I know of.

Oh, that’s too bad :frowning:

I’m looking around for alternate ways to share my tropical fish identification course with people and make it public, but it absolutely depends on that capability.


Maybe here you can find some useful info

Memrise is the best for course sharing and growing every day, no alternatives in this aspect. If you want full customization and control over your learning, Anki is the way to go. Both combined work great.


I’ve found these sites:

They look interesting, each on its own way, but I haven’t tried them yet. The Mnemosyne Project seems to be the closest to community based style SRS and it’s been around for a long time!


Hello @dylan.nicholson.548, you write, “… nobody should be relying on one single method for language learning …”, which I’ve realised for a while now. I’m still enjoying Memrise and spend helps of time building my words to get to the next level. In reality what I want is to be fluent in French. What other method/resource do you suggest I take on to achieve that? Merci beaucoup.

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You can try some of these decks!
Maybe duolingo too, and watch a lot of youtube videos!