Alternative answers are not correct

Hello memrise, I created my own course to learn French, but there is a small bug. When I was looking around through the options I saw the option ‘‘Mark Typing Strictly’’, this feature makes answers without accents spacing etc wrong. I switched the option on and it worked fine until a word showed up with more alternatives, I create alternatives with a _ to prevend seeing all the alternatives. But when the option is turned on it will count the alternatives only correct if _ is added. Can you please fix this?


I hope this gets fixed, too. It was reported some time ago here.


Hi @L.u.c.a & @neoncube, I too experienced this a long time ago and it is frustrating, but it is not a bug (although it could be fixed I guess).

Basically “Strict” typing is just that, so the alternative has to be with the underscore as you have discovered.

The only way round it I know of (if you want strict typing) is to show all the alternative (ie without the underscore).

Yes I know, but underscores are used to hide the words, you hide these words with a reason, some courses have so many alternative answers that when you don’t use an underscore you will get one big list of alternatives. This list will get annoying because you have to scroll down all the way every time :slight_smile:.

I olso don’t really think it is a bug, it is doing what it is suposed to do but it is a bit annoying when you have to type the underscore all the time.

If memrise could fix this I would be very happy :smiley:, but when they can’t it would not be the end of the world :slight_smile: .

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I have the same problem. I am creating courses for my students in the Fall and wish to use strict typing. They need to learn to capitalize nouns and use umlauts in German. The problem is that I have alternatives for almost every word. All nouns have the plural form added, but I do not want to require this. They have three correct answers that I would accept, but with strict typing, this is difficult because of the “_” situation. I do not want them to see the alternatives when learning. It’s slightly more difficult for them to type “der Wald, -¨er”, which is how plural is typically denoted in German, when I would accept both “der Wald” and “der Wald, die Wälder”. I would also accept “der Wald die Wälder”, but commas are also needed with strict typing set.

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