About the Non-language Courses category

Can I make you all aware of this post I’ve started following @OliviaZavala announcement:

I thought that now we know what is proposed we might like to discuss it in a new thread.

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Some levels of a course I was learning http://www.memrise.com/course/43238/durham-university-medicine-year-one/ have disappeared… what do I do to find them? I can’t seem to find a course forum any more to contact the creator. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @tori.davies.58aa

Some levels of a course have disappeared.

Hi there, I see 161 levels including multimedia levels. Are you using the web browser view?

If you are using an app, you can’t see the multimedia levels and the numbering may be different to take that into account.

I can’t seem to find a course forum any more to contact the creator.

As you may have read from the thread above (Changes to Course Forums), embedded course forums have gone and many creators (but not all) have set up "[Course Forum]"s by course, subject or creator.

@m.k.caygill has not been highlighted (like your name above) so has not appeared in this Forum yet.

As it’s an old course (low number) it may no longer be supported.

There is a thread about contacting the MemRise team to contact the creator. Have you seen that?

Thanks. Yes, I can see that many, but a month or two ago there were several more and they were the anatomy ones, which have all disappeared…
No, I haven’t - where would I find it? Thank you!

I wonder if those levels have been either incorporated or moved to another course.

Try this:

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Thank you! Email sent, waiting on reply… :slight_smile:

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Italiano 1-7 (Italian for Spanish speakers) by Memrise

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Weather & Cloud courses supported by DW7