About new design

This new colour scheme is not eye friendly :frowning:
It causes a lot of eye strain in the long run and makes it hard to study in a dimmed light environement

Memrise now looks like something i would have used as a child (not that that’s inherently a good thing), but honestly, the color palette is quite jarring, the updated interface is not at all seamless (assuming you’re still working out the details) - the least you could’ve done (other than actually listening to the users oh my) is only release the new visual identity once it’s actually done and ready to be released to the public.

I can’t believe that after all the misjudged decisions you guys made, you don’t finally, ask the community before big changes, at least get feedback from a closed group, do beta testing, whatever, but don’t expect people to like something like this. Who came up with this? Is this a late 1st of April joke? The design is gruesome and just looks unprofessionally done. The colors are odd for language learning site. it all screams attention and hip where it should stay in the background, look nice and keep the attention to the language learning. It just creates chaos where no one asked for it. It kinda would fit better to a sport event or kids website, really. And I hope, that whoever had to design that, had to do that with odd requests and agrees to that.

The previous design was totally fine, a lot of wasted spaces that could have been minimized instead. Maybe adding themes for people who want more or adding more interesting textures for backgrounds. Nothing too attentive and too boring. Basically, as it was, with less waste. And not flat and color-coded like Decks.


Decks UI (colors et rest) is really good, please do not change it to look like the new Memrise.

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Not a fan of the new design. As @isik645 says, the colour scheme is dull, unpleasant, hard on the eyes. The buttons and whatnot do not assist in figuring out at a glance your learning status. Maybe it’s the dusty blue background that throws you off.

Wish you could have kept the idea of separate colours for the buttons: Learn New Words, Classic Review, Speed Review. Maybe you could add a facility for choosing your own colour scheme. Not sure about the new logo and the the large, curving footer. As has been said before, “Why?”.

You should put like and dislike buttons on the page. That will give you an idea of what people think of the new design.


Please change the color scheme to the previous one


They did “beta testing” in March, but almost all the feedback I have seen here and on the Google Play store has been overwhelmingly negative, so they seem to have completely ignored the feedback from that beta test. Though it’s true I didn’t see the new design during the test, only screenshots, so for all I know maybe it was even worse before??? But many of the things in the comments I’ve seen from the beta are the same concerns brought up more recently (hideous yellow, cartoonish childish look, bad colour scheme, need for night mode, hard on the eyes, colour differentiation between different learning methods).


There is an answer to the beta test of the new Memrise app:


I saw that earlier, but I honestly don’t know what to think of it or how to take it, because despite all the feedback given during the beta, they still released the new design officially, seemingly before any of the problems raised during the beta had been fixed. If they were going to try to fix it based on the feedback, why did they go ahead and launch the clearly flawed, unwanted, and unfinished design? it doesn’t make sense to me. It leads me to believe that we might see a couple of minor improvements (hopefully at least a night mode), but they probably won’t fix the worst problems (overall ugliness and eyesore, asymmetrical blobs, childish look, insufficient colour differentiation, predominance of danger-yellow) at all, as it would require a complete reversion or from-scratch re-redesign, and they’ve invested way too much money into it and the company owner, for some unfathomable reason, likes it. :woman_shrugging: