A1 Indonesian, full audio, + context and grammar

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

Its great to also hear how natives pronounce it. Im just 20 words or so in, and another 130 in another memrise course. But it really feels like this will help my Indonesian alot!

Terimah kasih sekali-SEKALI (that’s a new word I just made up. The “double sekali” can only be used with Terimah Kasih which amplifies it’s thankness to over 9000!!!)

Kembali, mas! I have to apologise that I’ve been too busy to add to this course but you can be assured that I’ll do it sooner or later. So, even if you manage to go to the end of the course, it won’t be the end! :yum:

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Im allready ~50 words in! Do you have a reference to some simple stories or childrens’ TV program (youtube) that I can watch when I’m like 200 words in, or 500 words?

Anyone who reads this and knows of a good youtube-movie for kids and/or a chidlren’s tale that uses many of these words then please post! (I will look for it too when I have learned some more words).

I don’t know why, but the first that come to my mind is Dora the Explorer.
We have the dubbed version of it. You can find some of it at YouTube.

Then, I just watched one of it. Actually, it can be a good resource for learning language, because the vocabulary and topic are quiet simple and repetitive.

Allmost finished another 400 word course then I can fully go for this audio course. Im in ~150 words by now. Its so nice to hear how various people say things. Slight differences in intonations of words or the way they are delivered. Hard to explain. It really helps me to mimic Indonesian way of speaking.

Did the ladies enjoy saying all those words? Did they know about the memrise course? Must have been funny to do.

Hi, just wondering, are there anymore updates to this course? Or is it completed already?

@zschuah, sorry, I’ve been busy, and have too many courses… No, it’s by no means completed. I’ll try to update it soon. Have you completed all the levels already?

@ChiewPang Haha it’s okay! Nope, I’ve barely started, and the course is great so far! :slight_smile: Just wondering if there will be anymore updates in the future.

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@zschuah, yea, it will all right, probably forever… haha.:grin: I’ve just added another level. A long one at that.

Just a minor nitpick, your latest chapter ‘Directions and transport’ should be labelled ‘18 - Directions and transport’ if you want to be consistent >< Other than that, I’ve been loving your course so far! :smiley: Hope you will continue updating it in the near future :slight_smile:

@zschuah terima kasih! Changed. :relaxed:
And, yes, I must add another level soon! :hourglass:

Hi, just wondering, should there be a space in ‘sembilanpuluh’? I have always thought that it’s supposed to be ‘sembilan puluh’? The same goes for the other words like duabelas, tigabelas, empatbelas etc. Shouldn’t there be a a space between the two words?

@zschuah, both forms are acceptable.

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New level added! Sorry it’s taken so long - I’ve been busy with the other courses! No other Indonesian course on Memrise will provide you with insights and examples like this course. The latest level is on adjectives, with insights on prefixes, plurality, informality, etc.

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Thank you for the update! :slight_smile:

I’m using your course!


I should hope so! :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll add more levels, but need to find the time…