A plea for more context clues (gender, formal, etc)

In the German 1-7 courses, there are so many places where there’s no way of knowing what’s being asked for. Is ‘Chancellor’ a female one? Are you talking to one person or a number? Are you speaking formally or not. Yes, I get that sometimes we should judge from the context, like when ordering food. But telling someone to turn left, to take one example, could easily be either. Likewise, asking if ‘you’ saw the Football game could be either plural or singular. Memrise, please, please, please just add the context clues like (p. informal), (masc), so that we’re being tested on memorising German, not memorising that in this sentence the Chancellor is female, in that sentence we’re talking to more than one person, and in the other we’re talking formally.



the forum for this series is [Course Forum] German 1-7 by Memrise

(you look into “Categories” on the main page of these fora, and then you’ll spot the “German” section)

The A1 & A2 courses include these… a short note of the form required such as …

“Die is schöne”

Where below it is notes “die=fem”

This appears to have been removed from the G1 --> G# series.

To that point, at least with the listening exercies with the 3 options, Memrise never gives option like “die Schuh”, “der Schuh” and “das Schuh”. All possible answers follow the same article as the noun being tested, and for the most part use words/nouns that sound similar, not completely different.

Big thumbs up for that consideration in the course creation!