17000+ modern popular words (Eng for Rus), error found


I found an error in course “17000+ современных популярных слов”.

thousand - сто (не: hundred)

But it should be:

thousand - тысяча


please provide a link to that course… it is a user-created course not memrise-made. You need to contact the creator or contributors of that course

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According the info on the link you supplied, you should post your comment at the course forum: [Course Forum] 17000+ modern popular worlds (Eng for Rus)

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Hi, @vladimir.1527! I f you click on the link you provided there is clearly statated the course forum address.
Next time do not make a new post just go to the internet address that is given in course description.

I will move your post this time

Thanks to all. I’ve reported to the course creator and it has been already fixed.